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Update Vlog - 94 - (Chameleon PDA, Extra Syndi Discounts, New Ion Storm Prompts)

The chameleon PDA is the newest piece of equipment in the Syndicate’s roster. You can now almost go completely undercover as any member of any department (with exceptions to mindshielded ones). Syndicate agents will now also enjoy more discounted options to potentially choose from in their uplinks. There have been tweaks to various construction objects, like reinforced tables requiring a welder, and wooden walls no longer requiring steel. Moffs will now enjoy new cotton food options, and borgs may or may not enjoy their new ion law possibilities.

Update Vlog - 93 - (Loop Station, Gate Station, Holopads)

Two new stations have been introduced to the game; they are named “Loop” and “Gate.”. Loop is a medium population map focused around a centralized security and medical department, with wide open hallways and an easy-to-navigate layout. Gate is a very complex map focused around gateways and shuttles as the primary method to get between departments. Each department is segmented far away from each other in space, with thin arms connecting them all together.

Update Vlog - 80 - (Executions, Custom Burgers, Thief Beacon)

Melee executions allow for sharp-bladed weapons to ignore armor and inflict massive damage. Melee executions may be performed on yourself or targets that are incapacitated/cuffed. Custom burgers have been added, allowing for actual custom recipes that don’t require something like a microwave. The thief beacon allows for thieves to steal items and not have to hoard them on their character all shift. This also allows for stealing animals and structures way more conveniently.
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