SS14.MapServer can automatically pull a SS14 git repository, build it and run the map renderer. It also takes care of managing and hosting map images.
It's mainly used in combination with the map viewer, which lists and displays maps from a specific branch: https://github.com/space-wizards/ss14.mapviewer
The map viewer for Official SS14 servers can be found here: https://map.spacestation14.com/
The map server can also post map images on PRs that modify map files. That requires setting up a Github app.
There are some requirements for running a map server instance. With the manual rendering setup you can trigger rendering map images by making an api request. If you want automatic rendering and map images under PRs changing map files you'll need to set up a Github app.
Manual rendering and hosting maps only:
A public git repository
Private submodules are supported but the content repo needs to be public
Docker or .net 8 or higher
A domain (for https)
A reverse proxy is recommended
Postgres database
Automatic rendering, hosting and comments on PRs:
All of the above requirements
The repo needs to be on Github
Setup - Docker compose
There is a docker image provided for SS14.MapServer:
Setup - Manual
Todo: setup guide for running the map server without docker
Reverse proxy
It is recommended to run a reverse proxy in front of SS14.MapServer. The official map renderer instance is using Caddy