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Progress Report #30: A Short Freeze for Winter

Even with the winter holidays and a week-long feature freeze, December capped off a busy year for Space Station 14. In 2021, Space Station 14 had 2184 contributions, easily beating the 2020 contribution count of 1498.

Progress Report #29: A Lot To Unpack

Space Station 14 underwent so many changes in November that we had to split them off into a separate progress report. From November 4th to December 4th, the Space Station 14 code base had 357 contributions made - easily beating the two month period covered by Progress Report 28.

Progress Report #28: Atmosia Rising

The last couple of months have been a huge step forward for Space Station 14, with a total of 315 contributions made to the SS14 codebase between September 29th and November 3rd, and nearly 700 commits to SS14 and the RobustToolbox engine.

Progress Report #27: Transported to the Chess Dimension

Website Upgrade As you may have noticed, our official website has gotten a major facelift thanks to PJB. We also commissioned some nice new background art from AsPev as a replacement for our old one which was a little crusty. You can download a full resolution of it here. Updated Playtest Schedule We’re moving playtests to a consistent schedule due to their popularity and developers wanting more feedback from the community on the state of the game.