Progress Report #32: Geoff
As promised in the last progress report, here’s the second half of our two-part special! This part covers February 2022.

As promised in the last progress report, here’s the second half of our two-part special! This part covers February 2022.
It’s been a minute since the last Progress Report, and there’s been so many changes that we had to break this one up into two parts! This part covers January 2022.
Even with the winter holidays and a week-long feature freeze, December capped off a busy year for Space Station 14. In 2021, Space Station 14 had 2184 contributions, easily beating the 2020 contribution count of 1498.
Space Station 14 underwent so many changes in November that we had to split them off into a separate progress report. From November 4th to December 4th, the Space Station 14 code base had 357 contributions made - easily beating the two month period covered by Progress Report 28.
The last couple of months have been a huge step forward for Space Station 14, with a total of 315 contributions made to the SS14 codebase between September 29th and November 3rd, and nearly 700 commits to SS14 and the RobustToolbox engine.
Sadly atmos is not done yet. A lot of other stuff is though!