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Progress Report #30: A Short Freeze for Winter

Even with the winter holidays and a week-long feature freeze, December capped off a busy year for Space Station 14. In 2021, Space Station 14 had 2184 contributions, easily beating the 2020 contribution count of 1498.

Progress Report #29: A Lot To Unpack

Space Station 14 underwent so many changes in November that we had to split them off into a separate progress report. From November 4th to December 4th, the Space Station 14 code base had 357 contributions made - easily beating the two month period covered by Progress Report 28.

Progress Report #28: Atmosia Rising

The last couple of months have been a huge step forward for Space Station 14, with a total of 315 contributions made to the SS14 codebase between September 29th and November 3rd, and nearly 700 commits to SS14 and the RobustToolbox engine.

Progress Report #27: Transported to the Chess Dimension

Website Upgrade As you may have noticed, our official website has gotten a major facelift thanks to PJB. We also commissioned some nice new background art from AsPev as a replacement for our old one which was a little crusty. You can download a full resolution of it here. Updated Playtest Schedule We’re moving playtests to a consistent schedule due to their popularity and developers wanting more feedback from the community on the state of the game.

Progress Report #26: Lītigium In Forīs

Official Forums Space Station 14 now has an official forum! You can login to it with your SS14 account. The forum will mainly be used for ban appeals and other administrative stuff so it’s pretty barebones for now. If it gets enough activity we’ll add more general forums and stuff. Please read the rules before posting. Content Physics Rework Contributed by metalgearsloth and Acruid. A huge thanks to metalgearsloth for slaving over a complete physics rework for SS14.

Progress Report #25: Blowing Off Steam

Playtest We’re proud to announce that Space Station 14 is now available through the new Steam Playtest feature. Originally we were planning to do a full release through Early Access, but we felt that a more limited release was a better match for the current state of SS14 development. To gain access, simply visit the SS14 store page and click Request Access. You’ll be added to the pool of people who are waiting, which we randomly draw from when we feel we could use more players.

Progress Report #24: Atmos Sim Remake Now Simulates Atmos

Barebones rounds! Throughout the years, we’ve put a lot of work into developing the engine and framework necessary for Space Station 14 to have playable content. Last year, we transitioned to developing player-facing features and gameplay in earnest, and we’ve made a lot of progress in that short timespan! SS14 now has playable, albeit barebones, rounds. As we add more features the number of complex interactions grows, and so does the need for testing the game with real players.