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Update Vlog - 95 - (Plasma Station, Elkridge Station, QoL Improvements)

Two new maps were added to the game. Plasma, a medium population station, is a unique map that features plasma pools, a lot of asteroid rocks, and unusual hallway designs not found in other stations. In theme with the map, the TEG is the primary power method of the station. The second map is known as Elkridge. This is a low population map with a cozy design and a few unique takes on areas like the bridge.

Update Vlog - 94 - (Chameleon PDA, Extra Syndi Discounts, New Ion Storm Prompts)

The chameleon PDA is the newest piece of equipment in the Syndicate’s roster. You can now almost go completely undercover as any member of any department (with exceptions to mindshielded ones). Syndicate agents will now also enjoy more discounted options to potentially choose from in their uplinks. There have been tweaks to various construction objects, like reinforced tables requiring a welder, and wooden walls no longer requiring steel. Moffs will now enjoy new cotton food options, and borgs may or may not enjoy their new ion law possibilities.

Update Vlog - 93 - (Loop Station, Gate Station, Holopads)

Two new stations have been introduced to the game; they are named “Loop” and “Gate.”. Loop is a medium population map focused around a centralized security and medical department, with wide open hallways and an easy-to-navigate layout. Gate is a very complex map focused around gateways and shuttles as the primary method to get between departments. Each department is segmented far away from each other in space, with thin arms connecting them all together.

Update Vlog - 80 - (Executions, Custom Burgers, Thief Beacon)

Melee executions allow for sharp-bladed weapons to ignore armor and inflict massive damage. Melee executions may be performed on yourself or targets that are incapacitated/cuffed. Custom burgers have been added, allowing for actual custom recipes that don’t require something like a microwave. The thief beacon allows for thieves to steal items and not have to hoard them on their character all shift. This also allows for stealing animals and structures way more conveniently.

Update Vlog - 79 - (New Reagents, Cutter Machine, PNG Export)

This week brings some new reagents and reworked chloral hydrate. These new reagents include potassium iodide, which helps prevent radiation damage, and haloperidol, which removes stimulants and hallucinogens from your system. Drowsiness is also a new symptom and side effect where you may fall asleep at random; chloral hydrate also now makes you drowsy instead of knocking you out once you reach the unit threshold. The cutter machine allows for making more specific and decorated floor tiles.

Update Vlog - 78 - (Reinforcement Buffs, New Botany Mutations, Dragon Body Fixes)

This week brings major buffs to both syndicate and nuclear operative reinforcements. Nuclear operative reinforcements now are loaded up with a blood-red and a chest rig, just like a regular nukie. Syndicate reinforcements now have loadouts ranging from medical items to spy equipment. Atmos techs can now build pipes inside walls, giving them extra room for whatever projects they are working on. Dead space dragons will no longer despawn, meaning that anyone who got devoured won’t disappear into the void.

Update Vlog - 77 - (Syndicate Raid Suit, Throwing Rework, Bartending Tweaks)

This week brings a powerful new suit of armor, available only to nuclear operatives. It is a well-rounded suit that is not space-faring, meaning it must be used with specific plans in mind. Throwing has been changed to allow for significantly more precision when throwing objects and weapons. Bartenders now have to shake or stir specific drinks, giving a bit more variety in their bartending methods.

Update Vlog - 76 - (Vox, Giant Asteroid Dungeons, Nukie Nerfs)

This week introduces a bird-like species known as the Vox. The Vox must breathe pure nitrogen; otherwise, they will take hefty poison damage until they get pure nitrogen in their lungs. Salvage has received some new content in the form of “VGRoid.” The VGRoid is a giant asteroid with hundreds of ore deposits and salvage expedition dungeons that generate on them. The aesteroids are filled with danger, but have more materials than you’d ever need to get through a shift.

Update Vlog - 74 - (Meteor Swarm Revamp, Pipe Stacking Removal, General Game Balancing)

The content freeze is over, and there were a number of notable PRs merged during the freeze and shortly after. Meteor swarms are now much more deadly and can breach through many layers of walls. Pipe stacking was removed, changing the way Atmos has to do pretty much everything. Many combat QoL additions were added, such as wielding autodropping items, shooting over stunned people, etc. Finally, there were a ton of QoL features and balance changes across various levels of content in the game.

Update Vlog - 73 - (Ghost Role Raffles, Bullets Pass Over Crit Bodies, Robotics Console)

This week brings loads of new features and content additions. Impactful ghost roles like ninjas or dragons now have a raffle before the role is given out. This gives all players interested in the role an equally random chance of obtaining the role once the timer ends. Space dragons can breathe fire now, ninjas have a new objective, and emagged cyborgs are more stealthy. Also this week, bullets will now pass over critically injured mobs unless you aim directly at them.